I turned 27 on Tuesday (13th October) and the love was overwhelming! I can't thank you guys enough. I've been truly blessed with the most awesome lot ever! Just when i was already losing faith in our generation, some of you restored my faith. The bank account was smiling and so was i! You guys finally got the gifts right this year!..

So please, ahead of next year's birthday, i will gladly receive land papers, Cars, Oil blocs, amongst others and for you that isn't a Diezanillonaire, do not despair, you shall not be left out. I will be receiving spa vouchers, Jewelry,perfumes, watches, tickets to abroading places, Shoes (Size 41) and whatever your imagination comes up with or if you're too stumped to decide, feel free to credit my account GTB 01736**** holla at me for the rest.

And if you still cannot do any of these, just show kindness to each other. A smile here, a helping hand there, a listening ear, a little bit of patience, letting someone go in traffic, and if someone is kind to you, do pay it forward.

Anyways, i received an average of 50 calls on Tuesday and two-third of those calls were the "this time next year" kinda calls. ejo e cam down! I appreciate you guys looking out for me and all but you guys do realize there's a whole lot in the world to explore asides marriage yeah?

Well sha, i decide to share with you guys a couple of things that i'd love to do, (some of them already done) before i get hitched! Some of them you might relate/agree with, and others, you might not(eez nor your list, go and do your own)

  1. Take a vacation with my BFFs; ALL of my friends (excluding none) are nutcases and i would LOVE to get outta town with them to disturb the peace and calm
  2. Learn to Cook; I  know how to cook but i just don't like cooking. It isn't an activity i enjoy doing.. I see a steward in my marital life.
  3. Face one of my biggest fears; I'm terribly afraid of heights so excuse me while shit  my pants before i go sky diving!
  4. Learn to be financially independent: Tough for a shopaholic like me, but trust me, i'm getting better at this! 
  5. Live alone: This issue has been debated with my mum severally but always ends in her favour! Shetttt!
  6. Accomplish a goal: several goals have been accomplished this year alone! Others are a work in progress!
  7. Have a Signature drink: American sweet honey whiskey please! Next!!!!!!
  8. Make the first move: I look forward to trying this out o! *can i just go like, fine boy, look into my eyes, i like you!* Biko gimme tutorials on how to go about this o!
  9. Challenge myself: Almost everyday, i win the battle with the little voice in my head that says "branch into 01 shawarma after work"How's that for winning challenges! urggghhhh!!!!
  10. Take a road trip; Definitely done this! Would love to do more! Tour the country side, buy stuff at ridiculously cheap prices (not the armed robber prices in Lagos)
  11. Try a nice restaurant by myself: Suggestions please. (I hear Le Petit Paris Lekki is cool though) Anyways, please suggest fancy restaurants asides from the regular 5-star hotels.. Done that!
  12. Live somewhere else; Fingers crossed!God willing, real soon!!
  13. Learn to drive: I can't drive to save my life.. *cries in lack of car*
  14. Stick to a favorite show/series; I'm a movies/series buff so being devoted to one will be hard sha.....
  15. Get fit: *chews carrot and unlooks*..............
  16. Build something with my hands: Jenga blocks count right?
  17. Stay up until sunrise: Ha! I've done this! It wasn't some romantic sturvs o! I went to vigil with my Mum and of course,literally saw the sun rise!
  18. See your favorite artiste perform live: Okay, right after i book my ticket to New York. I'm coming Jay Z!!!!!!
  19. Make a list of books and read them: errrmmm.... i actually made a list, bought the books but they're presently gathering dust on my dresser.
  20. Learn to fight or take some martial art training: At the rate i look for trouble ehn, i should have been beaten a long time..So, lemme arm myself before they come for me. 
  21. Volunteer. I'm not good with these things but i can try. If you have a volunteering gig, don't forget to holla at your gurl.
  22. Try a new hobby: Definitely drawing! apparently, stick figures are not considered creative enough to win a cannes Lion... *cries in lack of creativity* 
  23. Apply for my dream job: I gotta chill another 8 years before i can occupy that position according to the Nigerian constitution.
  24. Keep a journal: I keep one but it isn't religiously updated.
  25. Have a long conversation with a total stranger: This should be fun..
  26. Do something crazy and spontaneous: This i do everyday of my life!
  27. Get to know myself: Of all the points, this here is the most important for me because i have to come to the realization of who i am and what my purpose here on earth is!
However, when i eventually meet "The one"you would be the first to know but for now, Live, love and appreciate this beautiful chance at life that you've been gifted because "Ever man dies- but not every Man really lives -William Ross"

What are the things you have on your "to-do before i get married list". Do sound off in the comments section.

Ciao loves


  1. Haha, I'm feeling this list... let me help u accomplish number 2, when I'm done with showing u some of the secrets of cooking, especially the LAZY ways of cooking GOOD food, u wld love cooking!
    I want to live alone tooooo. Mother's ehhhhn!, God bless them. I'm like won't it be better to learn how to live alone now, so that when my future hubby travels and leaves me home alone, I won't feel weird about it? Like really....
    Really nice post dear, keep it up.m

    1. Girl, you gotta show me how u do it! But i kinda like the idea of someone making my meals o!
      As for living alone ehh, girl you don't know how many times I've threatened my mum.I'm even all for living alone to learn independence on some levels. Oh well, we win some we lose some yeah?
      Thanks for stopping by my darling. God bless you!!!!

  2. Why u wanna live alone when u can just move in wiv me?

    1. LOL! Because hot water and pepper doesn't look good on me!

    2. Don't knw who he is oo but Lmao to dat crazy reply Funmi gat no chill @ all

  3. Lmao! Jeez! Afunmme!! Ur post just totally made my morning... and I can totally relate to most of em. Ur head izz so there my sisterrr

  4. Nice one gal....hmmmmm like u said d last one is d most important one, pray u discover urself den d rest will fit in well. Keep it up

  5. Hehehheheheh
    Me enh,my list is endless.
    But My number one wish is to live the spinster life to the fullest,hanging with the girls and taking trips with em(bank account pls turn black)
    Then living in another country for months
    What else??
    Thats all!!!

    1. You knowww. Make my accounts dey fat and shameless! 😚Thanks for the input boo.

  6. Lmao!!! You're list is the truth!! I definitely want to go on a road trip and tour African countries! For nice restaurants, check out eat.drink.lagos

    1. Same here darling! I'll definitely be checking out eat.drink.lagos. Thanks a bunch!


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